Grab your favorite custom イヤホン [earphones]!
Yuzuru Hanyu is My Emergency Contact – The FanyuFanme Podcast – Seasons One, Two and Three STREAMING NOW!
This podcast (like everything from FanyuFanme) is about the Fanyu experience. Watching Yuzu (skating, on YouTube, or skating on YouTube), supporting Professional Athlete Yuzuru Hanyu (in his hunt to find the perfect イヤホン [earphones] or to take his one-man ice show worldwide!) and imagining everything (really, just about everything) in between.
No matter where or how you Fanyu, this podcast is for YU.
Find The FanyuFanme Podcast on your favorite streaming platform HERE.
Want the entire backstory including Animogamy, unique situations and Google translate betrayals? Start with Episodes 1, 2 & 3 (Jump to Episode 1 “Oh. I. Remember. Him.”)
Want to fast track to the moment the podcast went FULL HANYU? Start at Episode 4 “Fanyus are FOR REAL.”

It’s been much longer than a 35 minute intermission, but FanyuFanme is back with a brand new episode! Whether it’s by stocking up on the last remaining Sekkisei Miyabi products, entering countless ticket lotteries (really, countless) or practicing curious ways to hold a slice of pizza, we’re all trying to Reach (and support) Yuzu.
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S3: EPISODE 2 – YUZU ON ICE – The FaOI Episode
Fantasy on Ice 2024 AND 2023 get their moments to shine in this episode dedicated entirely to FaOI. So IF you still can’t stop thinking about “IF” – this is the episode for you!
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Season Three of “Yuzuru Hanyu is My Emergency Contact” – The FanyuFanme Podcast has finally finished loading!
With so much happening since the Season 2 Finale in November of 2023, FanyuFanme needed something extra special for the first episode of Season 3. There was no choice but to go to Yokohama and see Yuzu. It’s the RE_turn of The FanyuFanme Podcast, and there’s a seat in the sixth row – saved just for yu.
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FanyuFanme’s favorite person (obviously Yuzu) has added another volume to the Yuzu Encyclopedia of Already Known Knowledge and proven once again why he is still and consistently will be her favorite. It’s the Season Two Finale – so bring plenty of gyoza!
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Join FanyuFanme in the bowl of blue marbles as we stay closer to Yuzu than ever before. It’s an episode of complex feelings, but it’s still only about one thing: love (and RE_LOVE) for Yuzu.
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FanyuFanme goes cover to cover with Yuzu and Elle Japan as she tries to “unpack” all the feelings – some unexpected – that came with Supermodel Era Yuzu’s history making magazine cover. She’ll then zip everything shut in her favorite champagne colored carry-on with a 早く [Hayaku] Fanyu segment that tries to “cover” recent Yuzu events. So pull up a suitcase, and have a seat!
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Think four minutes of Yuzu isn’t enough for an entire podcast? Yuzu said, “Hand me a vest and hold my Dr. Pepper.” It’s an entire episode dedicated to Stars on Ice 2023 (aka Yuzu’s Four Minute Ice Show) where he singularly cast his spell on us…body and soul.
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With her heart still at the Tokyo Dome, FanyuFanme attempts to cobble together something coherent as she continues to stare into the prism of Yuzu’s emotions…and her own about GIFT.
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FanyuFanme relives the first time she saw Yuzu. In Person.
Then, stay in the FanyuFanme arena for a special announcement…and no, it isn’t a ticket lottery.
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FanyuFanme can’t think of a better way to kick off another amazing year as a Fanyu than with “Wild Yuzu.” Before moving on to GIFT, let’s show Prologue もう少しの愛 [a little more love] as we bask in Yuzu’s unforgettable SEIMEI of all SEIMEIs.
Then, try to keep up with the latest Yuzu events in yet another edition of “早く[Hayaku] Fanyu!” – the segment which, thanks to Yuzu’s productivity level, appears to have landed a permanent home in every episode.
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The time has finally come to talk about PROLOGUE. Teleport with FanyuFanme to be with Yuzu in Yokohama before it’s time to join him (and hopefully his red glove) in Hachinohe.
Then, speed through the latest Yuzu events in another edition of “早く[Hayaku] Fanyu!” as FanyuFanme regrets ever setting that 30 second topic limit…
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The FanyuFanme Podcast is BACK for Season 2!
It’s the “Yuzu Ketchup” episode…where FanyuFanme finally talks about all the things she remained quiet about…until now.
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Pop Quiz: What’s the fastest way to bring FanyuFanme out of a hiatus? Five words: Yuzu created a YouTube Channel.
FanyuFanme has SO much to say in this mid-hiatus bonus episode that she almost chose to say nothing at all. But Yuzu gave her no choice. So charge your iPods, sanitize the bench and come sit with FanyuFanme at her favorite place: Beside Yuzu.
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Join FanyuFanme in the Press Conference Kiss & Cry to appreciate Yuzu’s monumental July 19th Free (from the ISU) Program and look forward to everything that Professional Athlete Yuzu has in store for our Fanyu Future.
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It’s time to pull the curtains shut on Fantasy on Ice 2022, but not before Yuzu says (or doesn’t say) what he wants to say to us. Join FanyuFanme in the last row of the “What’s Next Yuzu” Arena, as we patiently wait for what will happen…to happen.
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Is it possible to create an entire podcast episode about only 59 seconds of Yuzu? FanyuFanme thinks so! It’s the Special Fantasy on Ice Kobe episode of The FanyuFanme Podcast, where we’ll explain to Kobe that not sharing Yuzu is never an option – A, B or C.
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You don’t technically “win” ice shows. But YUZU does…and so do we. And WE won’t change the rules to make sure he doesn’t win them in the future. *ahem*
It’s a Special Fantasy on Ice Nagoya episode of The FanyuFanme Podcast. We’ll scream “きゃー!” when Yuzu masterfully spins his blazer OFF and then again when he (not quite as masterfully), puts it back ON as we anxiously await rejoining him – and all his artistic brilliance – in Kobe.
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Hang on to your bracelets, Fantasy on Ice season is here!
It’s a Special Fantasy on Ice Makuhari episode of The FanyuFanme Podcast where we’ll bask in all that Yuzu “showered” on us and never cut away the focus from Yuzu, Yuzu, Yuzu.
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BONUS EPISODE – And Yuzu is Wearing Shoes Indoors.
It’s been two years since Yuzu’s epic Skate Forward video, so FanyuFanme is looking back to May of 2020. The world was reeling. The Fanyus were reeling. And then, to save our sanity, Yuzu arrived to skate for us…while wearing shoes indoors.
Each Bonus Episode in the “There’s a Global Pandemic…” series focuses on a key Yuzu event that has happened since the cancellation of Worlds 2020, and features one of the blog posts from the Bonus Blog Series of the same name.
It’s the series where our hearts are with Yuzu…but even they know to still stay six feet away.
Featured Post:
There’s a global pandemic…and Yuzu is wearing shoes indoors. (at 1:05)

Count your household’s gold medals and listen as FanyuFanme taps into the Fanyus’ active imaginations by admiring the most perfect canvas for embellishment…Yuzu.
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Spend time with FanyuFanme waiting for the “Yuzu Resurfacing” by looking back at another time we Fanyus were working through our multiple phases of Missing Yuzu…and why FanyuFanme thinks it might be time to call Animal Control to report our missing GOAT.
Featured Posts:
It’s official. Canada hates me. (at 1:42)
Good news. Canada and I are back on speaking terms. (at 8:23)

BONUS EPISODE – And the ISU is Giving Awards to Anyone but Yuzu.
FanyuFanme gets a little snarkier than usual while looking back at the 2020 ISU awards…where it looked like the ISU was going to give an award to anyone but Yuzu.
Each Bonus Episode in the “There’s a Global Pandemic…” series focuses on a key Yuzu event that has happened since the cancellation of Worlds 2020, and features one of the blog posts from the Bonus Blog Series of the same name.
It’s the series where our hearts are with Yuzu…but even they know to still stay six feet away.
Featured Post:
There’s a global pandemic…and the ISU is giving awards to anyone but Yuzu. (at 1:04)

BONUS EPISODE – And Yuzu Picked Up a Flower (and Our Hearts).
Relive Worlds 2021 and “Hana wa Saku” as FanyuFanme answers Yuzu’s post-Beijing Winter Olympics question, “Was I able to do something meaningful for you?”
Because Yuzu didn’t win Worlds in Stockholm. He won the world.
Each Bonus Episode in the “There’s a Global Pandemic…” series focuses on a key Yuzu event that has happened since the cancellation of Worlds 2020, and features one of the blog posts from the Bonus Blog Series of the same name.
It’s the series where our hearts are with Yuzu…but even they know to still stay six feet away.
Featured Post:
There’s a global pandemic…and Yuzu picked up a flower (and our hearts). (at 1:16)

EPISODE 15 – Yuzu Musings
Have you ever wondered if Yuzu forgets his password or runs out of paper towels? If you answered, “はい!” – this is the episode for you.
It’s time to settle in for another off-season Yuzu radio silence, so stock up on your chocolate and ramen and join FanyuFanme in some Yuzu musings as we wait (and wait and then possibly wait some more) to hear what’s next from our emergency contact…and I don’t mean a password reset.
Featured Posts:
Things I wonder about Yuzu… (at 1:33)
I’m considering making Yuzuru Hanyu my emergency contact. (at 9:56)

EPISODE 14 – Hanyupathy
Hanyupathy [hahn-yoo-puh-thee] noun : the act of feeling every emotion upon the sight of Yuzuru Hanyu.
Put on your panda hats and join FanyuFanme on a look back at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Share in our Hanyupathy and bask in Yuzu’s aura while FanyuFanme attempts to remain kind, but still gets worked up to the point of exclaiming, “He’s FRICKIN YUZURU HANYU!” Put your feet up (especially you, Yuzu) because we have a lot of ice to cover…
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BONUS EPISODE – And Yuzu is an Adult
It’s a Valentine’s Day Bonus Episode as we relive the “Blinding Lights” performance we’d all like to believe Yuzu intended only for us. Keep your flowers and chocolates, all we need is Yuzu in some faux-fingerless gloves.
Each Bonus Episode in the “There’s a Global Pandemic…” series focuses on a key Yuzu event that has happened since the cancellation of Worlds 2020, and features one of the blog posts from the Bonus Blog Series of the same name.
It’s the series where our hearts are with Yuzu…but even they know to still stay six feet away.
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EPISODE 13 – Quad Axel Land
It’s time to breathe as we hit the halfway point in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. We’ll strive to be Fanyus worthy of Yuzu as we wave good-bye to ugliness, pile in the car with Yuzu and head to our next stop…Quad Axel Land.
Featured Posts:
There’s a pileup on the Figure Skating Fan Freeway. (at 1:30)
I wish someone would ask Yuzu about the Quad Axel. (at 11:29)

EPISODE 12 – The Yuzu Love Gush
Gather your heart emojis and add them to FanyuFanme’s Yuzu care package in the form of this week’s episode. It’s a Yuzu Love Gush so devoted, it even causes FanyuFanme to start making up words like “Fanyugobsmackedness.” Join FanyuFanme in reminding Yuzu he is amazing, he is loved, he is YUZU, as we enter the Yuzu Era we never expected.
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EPISODE 11 – Hanyu HQ
Have you ever tweeted about Yuzu? Sketched him? Baked cookies themed to his costumes? Written a thesis about him? Sculpted him out of butter? If so, you’re an official employee at Hanyu HQ!
In this week’s episode, we take an inside look at what it’s like to work for the world’s most BOSS boss…and why his thoughtfulness makes him all we ever want to talk about at the water cooler.
We also go down the Ghana Hot Chocolate Commercial Rabbit Hole – FanyuFanme’s absolute favorite place to be.
Swipe your key card and put your lunch in the breakroom fridge, it’s time for a Team Meeting at Hanyu HQ.
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EPISODE 10 – Yuzuru Vague-yu & Masqueradetown
In this episode, we pay homage to “Masquerade” – the program which first sent the Fanyus into our dark corners, and the incredibly endearing yet tirelessly elusive phenomenon known as Yuzuru Vague-yu. They’re FanyuFanme’s two most-read blog posts of all time. Listen for yourself to see why.
We also give a special shout-out to an Honorary Fanyu. Who could it be?
Featured Posts:
Yuzu ran his fingers through his hair and caused a paradigm shift in the Fanyus. (at 2:38)

BONUS EPISODE – And I (still) Love Yuzu
In this first BONUS episode, we’re talking about Yuzu CURRENT events: the 4A, the 2021 Japan Nationals, the Christmas gifts Yuzu gave us and everything about them that made FanyuFanme (still) love Yuzu.
Each Bonus Episode in the “There’s a Global Pandemic…” series focuses on a key Yuzu event that has happened since the cancellation of Worlds 2020, and features one of the blog posts from the Bonus Blog Series of the same name.
It’s the series where our hearts are with Yuzu…but even they know to still stay six feet away.
Featured Post:
There’s (still) a global pandemic…and I (still) love Yuzu. (at 2:24)

Episode 9 – The Things We Do For Hanyu
Yuzu is coming back! And FanyuFanme is excited.
In this episode, Yuzu gets a little break while we focus on what everyone ELSE is doing for HIM, whether it’s your average Fanyu…or perhaps an entire country.
Grab your favorite multi-color pen, start your Fanyu To Do List and check it twice. Santa Claus (and YUZU) is coming to town!
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Episode 8 – THE BIRTHDAY EPISODE – Which. Fanyu. Is He?
It’s Yuzu’s birthday! Fanyus around the world are celebrating. And, let’s be honest, we really don’t ever stop celebrating the fact that Yuzu was born. EVERY day is a party because Yuzu EXISTS.
This episode welcomes the newest addition to The FanyuFanme Podcast: Ask FanyuFanme – where FanyuFanme answers YOUR questions.
Join the virtual birthday party…because we never really know who else might also be there.
Featured Posts:
Which. Fanyu. Is He? (at 1:11)

Episode 7 – Fanyu Imagination
What’s your level of Fanyu Imagination? Grab a pair of We Love Irene gloves from the dryer and listen as FanyuFanme considers everyday moments of the common Fanyu that can help determine yours.
Featured Posts:
There is a pair of black gloves in my closet. (at 1:01)
I now know what it feels like to belong to a swarm of killer bees. (at 13:27)

Episode 6 – Thank you, Hanyu Sensei
Nothing says “Thanksgiving” like gratitude, football and Yuzu speaking English. It’s ALL (well, maybe not that much football) in this episode. So bring your favorite pie or side dish to the table…and FanyuFanme will provide the sauce.
Featured Posts:
ありがとう、羽生先生![Thank you, Professor Hanyu!] (at 1:39)
I am becoming a figure skating football fan. (at 11:28)

Episode 5 – The Same Situation
Join FanyuFanme in worry, sadness, shock and (even a little) optimism about Yuzu’s injury and withdrawal from the 2021 NHK Trophy. This episode focuses on the Current Yuzu Events, issues a warning to the Quad Axel and takes a look back at 2018 to remind the Fanyus that Yuzu has been here before (and so have we) in The Same Situation.
Featured Posts:
The Fanyus are currently accepting ankle donations. (at 2:02)
It’s 1 AM…and Yuzu just fell. (at 9:21)

Episode 4 – Fanyus are FOR REAL
This episode of Yuzuru Hanyu is My Emergency Contact – The FanyuFanme Podcast turns the focus to the Fanyus as FanyuFanme fully enters the Yuzuzone. No matter where or how you Fanyu, this episode is for YU.
Featured Posts:
Fanyus (much like HIPAA) are for real. (at 1:31)
My sister has told all her friends about Chansung. (at 11:52)

Episode 3 – Particular Perfection
In this episode of Yuzuru Hanyu is My Emergency Contact – The FanyuFanme Podcast, FanyuFanme “covers” Yuzu’s Shoulder Scandal 2018, relives the Fanyu glory days of ForJoy TV, appreciates Yuzu’s particular brand of perfectionism as he goes for the gold medal in chocolate tempering and the term “earthy” gets its humble beginning.
So put on your green pajama pants and get comfortable!
Featured Posts:
My sister and I are polar opposites. (at 0:57)
But we don’t let these fantasies interfere with our “real” lives. (at 9:27)
If I could have any super hero ability, I’d want the ability of half-assness. (at 14:01)

Episode 2 – A Unique Situation
In this episode of Yuzuru Hanyu is My Emergency Contact – The FanyuFanme Podcast, FanyuFanme talks about two things close to her heart: language learning and stuffed animals.
Has Google Translate ever betrayed you?
Is Pooh-san the celebrity you’d most like to meet? (after Yuzu, of course)
Listen as FanyuFanme shares prophetic tweets in Korean, defines “unique situations” and maybe, just maybe, gives a special shout out to Yuzu’s Khaki Suit of Sin.
Featured Posts:
My sister is not skilled in Korean. (at 1:45)
I should write a screenplay: Must Love Stuffed Animals. (at 7:51)

Episode 1 – Oh. I. Remember. Him.
In this first ever episode of Yuzuru Hanyu is My Emergency Contact – The FanyuFanme Podcast, FanyuFanme gives listeners a glimpse into what they can expect from the podcast.
Ever had a boyfriend you’ve never met? Wanted to date an anime character? (Bonus points if it was Soichiro Arima from Kare Kano or Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul.) Obsessed with Yuzuru Hanyu? (Who isn’t?)
Listen as FanyuFanme remembers laying eyes on Yuzuru Hanyu for the first time in 2014. And then, in 2018, remembers…HIM.
Featured Posts:
My sister’s boyfriend is a K-Pop star. (at 3:08)
If Spotify isn’t your “Professional” Podcast App, go HERE to find all the other platforms (Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music) streaming The FanyuFanme Podcast!

You can also find The FanyuFanme Podcast on YouTube (or, as we like to call it, YuzTube) where you can add your favorite podcast episodes to your “Besturu of Yuzuru” Playlist.
Newly updated with even more Yuzu…if that’s possible.