Author’s Note: This was written after the 2019 Autumn Classic. FanyuFanme can’t wait to someday return to skipping through YuzuLand.
We came home from the Autumn Classic, but we forgot something in Toronto…
After four glorious (GLOR-I-OUS) days in YuzuLand, it was hard not to feel like he should be piling his luggage into the back of the car to come home with us. Even pre-Toronto, he was a constant companion, but now…now, after seeing him in person, my brain has been convinced that he is REAL. (Though there are still many times when heart takes over mind and says, “No. There’s no way he’s human.”) But I still believed I should’ve seen a champagne colored suitcase, yoga mat bag and two little, stuffed, yellow ears obstructing the view in my rear-view mirror as I crossed the Canadian border back into the U.S.
“And why did you visit Canada?” the border patrol officer will ask.
“To pick up my boyfriend. He’s a Japanese figure skater.”
…and also maybe get a box of devil’s food TimBits. (Cause even Yuzu will want a snack for that long of a drive.)
This all comes as the result of a highly Yuzu-intensive schedule:
3:55 AM: Wake up to iPhone alarm of Yuzu saying, “こんにちは。羽生結弦です!” [Hello. It’s Yuzuru Hanyu.]
4 AM: Get ready…to see Yuzu.
5:30 AM : Leave hotel…to see Yuzu.
6 AM: Get in line…to see Yuzu.
8 AM: Rush to secure a good seat (while maintaining some semblance of decorum)…to see Yuzu.
9 AM: Check Facebook to read about how other fans are waiting with you…to see Yuzu.
1:35:24 PM: SEE YUZU.
6 PM: Go to the nearest-to-the-rink grocery to get sustenance so you don’t pass out before the next time you…see Yuzu.
7 PM: Return to the hotel and microwave a soft pretzel (FAoI, Rapture OR Autumn Classic requires it)…while you look at photos you personally took that day…of Yuzu.
8 PM: Check Facebook, YouTube and any other online resources (including random kids’ Twitter accounts) to find different angles of what everyone else saw that day…of Yuzu.
9 PM: Text your not-in-Toronto friends about the fact that you finally…saw Yuzu.
10 PM: Go to bed but not fall asleep because you’re too excited…to see Yuzu.
11 PM: Finally get to sleep and wait for another…
“こんにちは。 羽生結弦です!” [Hello. It’s Yuzuru Hanyu.]
And another day in YuzuLand begins.
For a Fanyu, this is the supreme level of ecstasy. This is the YuzuBowl of Yuzudom. This is the Yuzu Day Parade of Yuzu World. This is the Opening Ceremony of the Yuzulympics. And Yuzu is the MVP, Grand Marshall and Torch Lighter (ahem) all rolled into one white warm-up jacket with JAPAN printed on the butt.
I distinctly remember sitting in the arena after the first practice on the first day and being completely overwhelmed by the purest joy-rapture-heart exploding-giddiness that I had two more days in YuzuLand. Given practices and programs and (bound to be) medal ceremonies, that equated to FIVE more distinct times to see Yuzu. The REAL Yuzu. The oh-my-gosh-he’s-10-feet-away Yuzu. I also remember skipping through the nearest-to-the-rink grocery aisle. And people, I’m not a skipper. But, when in YuzuLand…YOU SKIP.
But then…
…after the two more days, five more distinct times (including the bound-to-be medal ceremony)…
…after “Does anyone else feel like they’re going to black out?” following the final pose of Origin…
…after holding back (with little success) weeping at the historic, epic beauty of Yuzu stepping off the podium to bow his head to the Japanese flag…I can’t. He topped you carrying Hide through the snow, Kaneki.
…after watching until the absolute last glimpse of the rogue sprig of LGC hair disappears into the hall under the stands for the last time…
…after one last photo in the rink holding up your hand-sewn Yuzu banner in victorious ecstasy…
You have to go home.
And, before you know it, you’re at a Tim Horton’s outside of Niagara Falls reaching back to hand off his zunda hot chocolate and some TimBits when you realize: