The Fanyus are currently accepting ankle donations.
Because here we are again.
And I have no words. Ever since hearing the news of Yuzu’s injury, I’ve tried to figure out how to phonetically convey my hourly soul sigh of heartbreak for Yuzu. Just how many Hs are in “Uhhhhhhhhnnnnnguuuuuhhhhhhhhh”? Because aside from that non-conveyable sound of sadness, I’ve found it hard to say anything–much less anything blog-worthy. But here goes...
There are only so many ways to convey how the Fanyus feel when Yuzu falls. And as we all pile into the Fanyu Waiting Room for another round of sleepless nights and rotating shifts of worldwide waking, we pass our time differently. It all depends on your personal Fanyu style.
Some of us light candles.
Some of us knit.
Some of us sketch.
Some of us blank stare.
Some of us pray.
Some of us swear.
Some of us start taking online classes in orthopedic surgery.
But ALL of us consider just what it would take to actually donate a ligament. 本当に [truly].
And if WE feel this way, it’s unimaginable how it must be for Yuzu.
Just like a baseball player knows the second he hits a home run, I bet Yuzu knows the second he has a damaging fall. I’m sure his first thought is “Ohhh Fuuuuuuudge” or whatever the equivalent to “Ohhh Fuuuuuuudge” would be in Japanese. Of course for all the obvious reasons, but also for the circus he knows is to follow. The announcements, the media, the rumors, the expectations…and he JUST DID finally get his suitcase shut.
He has said himself that he knows the fans all react with as much frustration as he does when this happens. It’s a vicious cycle. Yuzu gets hurt. We worry about Yuzu. Yuzu worries he’s disappointed us. We are sad Yuzu is worried. Yuzu is sad we are sad. We worry that we have made Yuzu sad. And before you know it, we’re all crying into our Pooh-sans.
But let’s get one thing straight. I’m gonna need the Quad Axel to start playing nice. You would think it would want to be liked by us. It’s like Yuzu is bringing the Quad Axel to meet his family for the holidays and he just wants us to all get along. Here’s a tip, Quad-san: It is not a good idea to kick Yuzu in the ankle right before the Thanksgiving turkey is carved. Trust me. No matter how epic or historic you are, if you hurt Yuzu, WE WILL NOT LIKE YOU. But we know Yuzu loves you, sooooo…we will TRY. But you might be seated at the kids table until you get your act together.
To be fair, there is no certainty (that I know of) that it was actually the Quad Axel that caused Yuzu’s injury. Who knows? Before I saw an article detailing that it was a fall “on ice,” I accepted that he could have just slipped in the lobby of the ice rink. I mean, a fall is a fall, and we all know real floors are hard for Yuzu. But I think we all have our suspicions…
It was the Quad Axel…in the Sendai Ice Rink…with the Outside Edge.
I still believe–no–I KNOW Yuzu will do it. There is no question in my mind. From the moment he said he wanted to do it, I knew it would happen. He didn’t even have to leave the ground. The mere fact that he said it was his goal made it reality. That’s just how Yuzuru Hanyu works. But here’s the thing. I can’t imagine there are many (if any) Fanyus who would say that they’ll be disappointed in Yuzu if he doesn’t do it. (And if you claim to be a Fanyu and can even begin to entertain the thought that you could ever be disappointed in Yuzu…I recommend you Reassess Your Fanyuness–which sounds like a title to a Bruno Mars song.) We will only be disappointed because Yuzu will be disappointed. And then since Yuzu is disappointed, we will be — nevermind. We all know where we go from there. We’ve been over this already.
But for now, the only costume Yuzu needs to wear includes green pajama pants. (He can take off his jacket to reveal his favorite “I Love Winnie-ing” sweatshirt. We would still SO cheer at getting to see that.) The only warm ups are the hot chocolate in the microwave. The only landings are on the best spot of the futon. And the only points are on his favorite video game…which at least probably scores fairly. If he’s determined to practice anything for the new season, he’s allowed to bust out the LGC hair for a remote control trip to the aquarium. He can just ring a tiny bell if he needs anything and Pooh-san will get it…as long as it is within four inch paw reach. Because, Yuzu, we’ll just be happy if you are healthy. And we’ll be patient if you’ll be patient. See how that works?
We’ll be there for you whenever you are ready to be there for us, and we will wait for as long as it takes. No matter where. No matter when. And MOST CERTAINLY no matter the score (do we even bother with those anymore?).
The day Yuzu lands the Quad Axel, they’re going to have to rename the “Kiss & Cry” to the “Kiss & Hysterically Sob Your Face Off.”
For us, and probably also for Yuzu.
“Why am I crying??”
We’re all crying, Yuzu. And it’s ok.
This post is featured in this week’s episode of The FanyuFanme Podcast – Episode 5 – The Same Situation.

Find it now on your favorite podcast platform.
FanyuFanme is sending all of our love (yes, all of it) to Yuzu.
We will always be here for you, Yuzu. いつまでも。