STARTING JULY 9: FanyuFanme Goes Back in Time…TO SEE YUZU.
Distance to Sochi: 5,822 miles
Distance to Tokyo: 6,628 miles
Distance to Osaka: 6,815 miles
Distance to FanyuFanme’s Autumn Classic 2019 Memories: 0 miles
In celebration of the upcoming season (and disappointment in living nowhere near any of Yuzu’s upcoming competition cities, countries…or continents), we’re going to relive the first time it happened:
The first time we SAW YUZU…IN PERSON.
In multi-week posts, we’ll do our best to make you feel like you’re with us at the 2019 Autumn Classic International, holding the other side of our Yuzu banner.
Grab your passport, and take a trip back in time with FanyuFanme to “see” Yuzu!