Good news. Canada and I are back on speaking terms.
It took less than a day for 2018AutumnClassicGate to come to an amicable end. And, as expected, it’s all thanks to Japan. While the majority of the Fanyus were out smashing bottles of maple syrup and changing their pizza topping orders from bacon to ham (“That didn’t land.”) and the Japan Self-Defense Forces had cracked open Risk and were plotting their next move, one lone Japanese Fanyu walked calmly and fearlessly into the eye of the storm (just like Kaneki with Hide at the end of Season…it’s too beautiful. I can’t.).
This Fanyu is our hero. This Fanyu did the unthinkable.
This Fanyu…emailed Skate Canada and asked, “Is this true?” To which Skate Canada replied, “No. It’s not.”
The stream is back on!
Author’s Note: This was written in September of 2018. As much as I wish it was accurate to say that a livestream of a Yuzu performance was “back on”, we all know that’s not the case. 頑張って, Fanyus!

This post is featured in Episode 16 of The FanyuFanme Podcast. Click HERE to find it on your favorite podcast platform.