FanyuFanme Podcast Paluzu

“Yuzuru Hanyu is My Emergency Contact” – The FanyuFanme Podcast has already released SEVEN episodes! Have you listened to them all? Find them on your favorite platform (Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts) HERE or click the episode links below.
Episode 1 – OH. I. REMEMBER. HIM. – FanyuFanme remembers laying eyes on Yuzuru Hanyu for the first time in 2014. And then, in 2018, remembers…HIM.
Episode 2 – A UNIQUE SITUATION – FanyuFanme shares unfortunate tweets in Korean, defines Yuzu and Pooh-san’s “unique situation” and gives a special shout out to Yuzu’s Khaki Suit of Sin.
Episode 3 – PARTICULAR PERFECTION – FanyuFanme “covers” Yuzu’s Shoulder Scandal 2018, appreciates Yuzu’s particular brand of perfectionism and the term “earthy” gets its humble beginnings.
Episode 4 – FANYUS ARE FOR REAL – The focus turns to the Fanyus as FanyuFanme fully enters the Yuzuzone. No matter where or how you Fanyu, this episode is for YU.
Episode 5 – THE SAME SITUATION – FanyuFanme focuses on the Current Yuzu Events, issues a warning to the Quad Axel, and takes a look back at 2018 to remind the Fanyus that Yuzu has been here before…and so have we…in The Same Situation.
Episode 6 – THANK YOU, HANYU SENSEI – Nothing says “Thanksgiving” like gratitude, football and Yuzu speaking English.
Episode 7 – FANYU IMAGINATION – What’s your level of Fanyu Imagination? Grab a pair of We Love Irene gloves from the dryer as FanyuFanme considers everyday moments of the common Fanyu that can help determine yours.

Plus! Don’t miss YOUR chance to be featured on the upcoming “Ask FanyuFanme” segment during Yuzu’s Birthday Episode. Have a question about the blog, the art, the podcast? A request for a future episode? Just want FanyuFanme’s opinion on something? (Yuzu related, of course…) Comment or DM your first name (or nickname), country and question on FanyuFanme’s Facebook, Instagram or Twitter or send it directly to fanyufanme@gmail.com and you might be a part of the podcast!

New blog posts, additions to The FanyuFanme Shop and the Bonus Series “There’s A Global Pandemic…” makes its podcast debut.
Until next time, say it with us…”Yuzuruuu Hanyuuuuu.”