Coming Soon from FanyuFanme…
FanyuFanme is adding a new way for you to interact with us. Launching this month is Yuzuru Hanyu is My Emergency Contact – The FanyuFanme Podcast!
This podcast (like everything from FanyuFanme) is about the Fanyu experience. Watching Yuzu (skating or in front of a white wall), supporting Yuzu (in his hunt to find the perfect イヤホン[earphones] or to land the quad Axel) and imagining everything (really, just about everything) in between.
The podcast will include readings of the posts featured here on FanyuFanme.com, where we’ll also preview what is coming on each new episode. We hope you’ll join us to hear all your favorites…directly from the voice of FanyuFanme.
And don’t worry! While blog posts won’t be hitting the website as frequently, FanyuFanme isn’t trading in the keyboard for the microphone. As long as Yuzu is skating, obsessing over earphones or showing his ankles, we’ll keep typing!
So grab your favorite イヤホン [earphones] and join us on this new Yuzuventure.

Streaming soon wherever you find your favorite podcasts!